Thursday, March 06, 2008

top six ladies

last night's show of american idol was full of terrible outfits but some tolerable vocals. tonight i predict that the top six ladies will not include...


Jill Chatterley said...

You got one out of the two right. And lets hear it for Luke and Danny making their exit. Whoo Hooo!

Elena said...

Wow, I was a bit shocked with Asia'h leaving. And as much as "Miss Danny" bugged me, I would have rather seen Jacuzzi go. What was up with Ramielle and Danny?! And let's hear it for cutie-patootie Blake!!!!

Jonathan & Rachel said...

Those were my two choices to leave too, I was also a little shocked that Asia'h left! I'm pretty thrilled with the guys who are leaving.

Jill Chatterley said...

One more comment, what is with all the ugly pants that go up so high on their waist? Did you notice? Im so not up on the latest fashions.