Saturday, August 16, 2008

old faithful

next stop...old faithful! old faithful erupts every 92 minutes (on average) and we got there with 40 minutes to spare. so, we carried in our sack lunches, found a good seat, and prepared for the show.

it took some major entertaining to keep these boys happy. but we survived.

grumpy owen

daddy tickling wesley

right before old faithful erupted i couldn't help but turn my camera towards all the thousands of people! i swear every single one of them ( included) had their cameras in the air. so funny!

and...there she blows!

old faithful
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1 comment:

Miki said...

Oooooh, good shot Becky! Lol...about all of the camera shots people were taking. It's hard to keep my kids entertained too. There always seems to be something!