Wednesday, September 03, 2008

you are too kind

elena loves my blog! and because she was so generous in giving me ...i mean my blog...this award, i would like to nominate 7 other blogs. and don't be afraid to pass on this blogging love to others. it's a day brightener for sure! thanks elena!

The rules of this award are:1. The winner can put the logo on his/her blog.2. Link the person you received your award from.3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.4. Put links of those blogs on yours.5. Leave a message on the blogs of the people you’ve nominated

camille-i can always click onto camille's blog to get a good laugh. i love her story telling ability.

rachel-beautiful kids equals a beautiful blog! i love being able to see what they are up to in sunny arizona.

elise-elena already gave elise this award, but i want to give it to her as well. updates on her blog ALWAYS MAKE ME HAPPY!

corin-i've only recently met her, but i adore her! and i love learning more about her family and life through her blog.

jen-because of blogs we have been able to reconnect after many years. you gotta love that.

emily-my only sister that blogs! enough said.

stephanie-a true blogging buddy, always leaving comments! and it's so fun to keep tabs on her even though she is far away.


Unknown said...

Aww Becky, thanks for the award! I love blogs and find yours so uplifting and encouraging! You are the most talented, loving, and fabulous person I know!

Elena said...

Aren't these awards like getting a fun piece of mail? Glad you passed it on.

Camille said...

Man, Becky, I'm all choked up! I feel like... your dad! Or mine! hee hee. Now, I'm risking having you revoke my award... but I have no idea how to follow those instructions! I will try my best, but if you don't see anything soon... give me some hints, ok?

sjmiller said...

Aww! How sweet! Thank you!

I will definitely be passing this along! I have to tell you that I love that we are keeping in touch even being so far away!

I hope we can make it up to Idaho soon. I really miss it some days! I miss the people there too! ;)

Thank you, Becky!

Jonathan & Rachel said...

You are too sweet! I LOVE looking at your blog also...can I bounce the award back to you?? I don't even know how to add a link..I guess it's time to figure it out? Thanks for the "award"-funny!

Steph said...

thanks for the award!! I don't know 7 people who blog. Whatever will I do?

Elise said...

Thank you!!! You're so nice!! I LOVE your blog!!

Rachel and Nathan Fisher said...

Becky -

I just found your blog and I'm so glad that I did! I just finally started one - it is at - I'm going to add you to my list!

Hopefully I'll be able to do a better job of keeping in touch with people.

Love you,
Rachel (Your favorite 2nd cousin!)