Last week we decided to brave the cold and go sledding at Ucon Pit. We joined Ben and his little family and Natalie. We all probably only went down the hill twice before we decided it was way too cold to be outside. But, those two times down the hill and the exercise walking up was totally worth all the work of getting dressed up to go.

Me and Kev flying down the hill with a little "help" from Ben...and Meisha (Ben's dog) following after.

This is how Wesley felt about the whole ordeal. He actually enjoyed being pulled around in the sled until Owen tipped him over and he face planted into the snow. Poor Wes!
Your babies look so cute. I wish I had the guts to brave the snow and the cold to go sledding. Looks like lots of fun
Yay! Updates! That is a really cute picture of you and Kevin flying and Meisha flying right behind. I loved it! WIsh we could have come.
You guys ARE brave to go out in the weather up there! Even though it was a short trip, I'm glad it was worth it!
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