Sunday, August 26, 2007

Owen loves church!

Owen had a rough day at church today. Kevin had to take him outside during sacrament meeting because he was being disruptive (a sacrament meeting ritual) and while he was running around outside he biffed it hard on the cement. Thus, the wound under his left eye.
Then, in Nursery, one of the little boys (who just happens to be the "Nursery bully"... and had been pushing Owen around most of the day) rammed a toy truck right into Owen's forehead causing a MAJOR goose egg and drawing a little blood. But, Kevin saw it all go down (he spends every Sunday in the Nursery...per Owen's "request") and said it was a complete accident. I had to laugh when the little boy's mom called to make sure that Owen was okay and to apologize. Funny!
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Anonymous said...

His battlewounds just make him look like a real boy! :) POor kid.

Jonathan & Rachel said...

OH I hate all the little bonks and bruises! Isaac just fell on the concrete and bonked his face all up. Heal quick Owen!

Anonymous said...

I created a blog. Its