as much as i'd like to, i just can't let this day pass without recognizing what this day could have represented. today was the due date for our fourth baby. the baby that we discovered was lost during my 16 week check-up.
i'd be lying if i didn't say that these last five months have been etched with a lingering ache. and usually at the most inconvenient times. BUT, they have also been filled with a lot of compassion, hope, encouragement, and kindness.
many times i have had to step back in awe as i experienced the little tender mercies people have been a part of. people willing to ask how i'm doing at a moment when i really needed to talk, others sending a random gesture my way that was very MUCH needed at that moment. or, those able to just recognize situations that might be difficult for me and offer a shoulder.
i hope i can remember to be this kind, thoughtful, and concerned when i know someone is hurting. more times than not, i believe these people were receiving inspiration from our heavenly father. so thankful they were listening and willing to act on that little whisper.
thank you for the examples and opportunties for growth. our heavenly father is so very mindful of each of us. it's amazing!
You are an amazing person! I hope you continue to have many tender mercies to help you and strengthen you.
You have endured this trial so graciously! I am sure this sweet little boy is in heaven looking over you and his family! Love you.
You are an amazing woman. My thoughts are always with your family!
I wish I could have known exactly how to help you more, please known you have been in my thoughts and prayers so much during the last couple months. You are an amazing example of strength to me, so glad you and your sweet family moved into our little cult de sac:)
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