Monday, September 26, 2011

favorite things

kaylin-shea body butter made with goats milk by a lady in idaho falls (

mom-adorable halloween bulbs (one a ghost and one a jack-o-lantern) for the little candlestick lights we all have.

me-i wouldn't make a cute bald person, but here i am showing off my favorite thing. a turbie twist.

with hair...much better! probably ranting about how much i love my turbie twist! (;

amber-a sweet little personalized charm and peppermint york patty.
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Elena said...

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Katie snuck on your camera and deleted the pictures of herself. Because I KNOW you took that picture of her holding her soap, remember she even took it out of it's glorious wrapping job. And ALSO I personally took a picture of her and Amber together with your camera and it is no where to be seen. Hmmmmm....LOL! On a different note, what GREAT things we got, as we do every year. SUCH a fun tradition!!

Lisa said...

What fun things!!! So, I just learned how to MAKE those turbie twists, and how to make them for Sara's size too!!! :)