Wednesday, October 01, 2008

did you watch oprah today?

today oprah had brenda slaby on her show. she is the mother and teacher who lost her 2-year old baby last august after accidentaly leaving her in the car for 8 hrs (during the first day of school)! such a heart-breaking confession from this mother...something that could happen to any of us!

this show hit me HARD and i wanted to share this with everyone! go to and watch or read a small portion. i know some of you are VERY busy mommas and i just wanted to remind you all...mothers, we need to slow down!

please slow down. and remember your little ones! this show is the wake-up call every mom needs.

love you all!


Elise said...

Ugh, this just breaks my heart. I can't even imagine...

We were talking about stuff like this the other day-- how we all do stupid, careless things in our hurries to get through the day, and how something like this could happen so easily. It's a good wake-up call.

Miki said...

Elena and I used to talk for hours at a time about the inventions we were going to create to help little babies who get left in their cars on accident. It's just so devistating. There's an invention out there with a patent. I researched it. I just really haven't seen anything out there yet.

Did you also hear of the poor mommy who was moving? She was carrying her TV...and you can guess (maybe) the rest. It was her 9 month old baby who just didn't make it. The poor mommy tripped over her, didn't see her, and the TV went down.

Ugh....I just can't even bear it. I can't even imagine what these mommies must feel.

Be careful out there ladies!

SueAnn said...

I usually don't watch Oprah but I did watch this...I felt awful for this poor mom! It was such a good reminder to slow down!!

Mandie said...

I did watch that Op[rah... very sad. It made me rethink a few things myself.

Elena said...

Ugghhhh..So SAD!! I didn't watch, but my heart goes out for anyone who has done this. I used to think badly of people who forgot their children in the car, but now that I am crazy with my own kids, I can TOTALLY see how it could happen. And through no fault of the parent.