Wednesday, November 12, 2008

more house

per request i am going to add a few more, not so interesting, pictures of our house. enjoy!

the backyard view from the sliding glass door in our living room.

the kitchen is huge. this is the view from the kitchen sink. there is a nice big corner that some day we will have a beautiful desk and hutch. but, for now...our old plywood desk and metal chair will have to do! (;

the stair well to the basement and part of the coat closet (this is to your left as you come in)

another shot of the laundry room from the garage (owen is preparing to rob the pantry). and you can kind of see the kitchen table in the background.

the house has three bedrooms and two bathrooms upstairs. and the unfinished basement has a floor plan that would include three bedrooms, a bathroom, family room, and storage room.

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Unknown said...

Ok just saw these pictures and I take back the more pictures comment. hehe You already had more on here. But I would love to see more when you are done decorating. I would love to have a basement!!

Tiff George said...

Oh I've always wanted a huge laundry room - just look at yours! I love everything about your new house! And I love that the boys found the "monkey bars" to play on...too cute!

Lisa said...

WOW! What a pretty house! and so big! Hooray for getting out of apartments!!!