Monday, October 15, 2007

Mom! I go potty, wash my hands, and get a treat!

I have been dreading this day for two years, but I feel like it's time to start. So, today when Owen woke up he put on his "Cars" underwear and we were off!

ROUND ONE: I was really discouraged when I sat Owen on the toilet and he just broke out into tears and wouldn't let go of me. No potty!
ROUND TWO: Still no potty! But, he has learned to hold himself up with his hands and gets excited about washing his hands. He jumps off the toilet and dashes out of the bathroom to Wesley to tell him all about it.
ROUND THREE: Now in his "Diego" underwear, he is getting a little more confident about not falling into the toilet and allows me to stand back and watch. Next thing I knew, Owen was looking into the toilet with a look of amazment and believe it or not...he was peeing! Hooray! He was so pleased with himself he jumped right off and gave me a kiss. He almost looked stunned at how easy the whole thing was. So, he washed and hands and grabbed his "potty treat"! "Mom! I go potty, wash my hands, and get a treat! Thanks Mom!"

Five minutes later Owen runs into my room yelling "Mom, I am all wet!". Oh, boy! So here we sit, Owen now in his "Thomas The Tank Engine" underwear, and I am dreading nap time and his first bowel movement. Wish me luck!
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The Manwarings said...

I do wish you luck!! I won't give any advice, because as everyone knows I am awful at potty training, or at least at putting it off. I can't believe he did it on his first try. You are so lucky.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Way to go mommy and Owen! You'll get it, just be patient. And seriously, just let him go naked while you're home, it's much easier. Good luck!!!!!

Jonathan & Rachel said...

Good luck! It's always so hard and always a few accidents. You'll be amazed at how quickly he will actually "get it". They are so sweet aren't they!

Elise said...

What a big boy!! You'll have to tell me how it goes... I'm still not ready at our house. Then again, I don't have a real "baby" anymore.

Way to go Owen!!

sjmiller said...

I am with Elena! Let him run naked, and he should get the hang of it more than if he has underwear on.

Good luck to you! I don't envy you at all now that I have two that are potty trained. (Yet, one more on the way, so I will be in your position shortly.)

Good luck!!

Lisa said...

How do you do that with your pictures????
PS- good luck waiting it out. . . :(