Friday, July 17, 2009

proud brothers

have i mentioned how fun/different it is to have a little girl in our home? we love it! and she has some proud brothers.

these pictures were taken the day we got home from the hospital.

owen was so excited to be able to hold her since she now had "some clothes on". owen is my BIG helper. he loves to grab diapers, wipes, birb clothes, binkies, and whatever else mom asks for. it makes him feel so proud. he is constantly telling me that is he is my big helper with madalyn. and he is. he affectionately calls her either "the baby sister", "baby madalyn jane", or "madalyn jane". he never shortens it, which i think its cute.

wesley luckily had a change of heart in the 24 hrs from his last visit. he was very excited to hold madalyn when we got home. he likes to try to help out too, and will often grab me a wipe and bring it to me in two-three pieces. lol
the first time you ask him madalyn's name he says, "baby". second time, "sister". third time, "madie" (still not sure how to spell this nickname). and he follows that up after a few seconds with "jane".

madalyn came home a little "yellow". but after a couple days of good eating and pooping she is just perfect!

she certainly is the center of attention here.

wesley, madalyn, and owen
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Anonymous said...

She is so CUTE!!! How fun to have a little girl around! It's so good to hear that everyone is adjusting well! I'm glad owen is such a great helper and that wes has warmed up to having a baby sister. :)

Lisa said...

She is such a sweetheart! And your boys look so big next to her! I can't believe it. How cute that they love her so much. Looking at the picture of Owen and Madalyn makes me want to have one for Kirk to help with. Someday. Not today. :) You have an adorable family!

Elena said...

That picture of her in the blanket is PRESCIOUS!! So fun to have Madalyn Jane here!!