Wednesday, April 02, 2008

silly boys

a compilation of the silly things my boys are saying and doing lately

this is mostly for me since i have the worst memory and want to remember these fun things.


owen loves his hat. he wears it all the time. i love how he will reposition it to keep the sun out of his eyes, to hide from people, or to look tough.

owen LOVES to sing. he pretends to knows the words to every song on the radio and loves to sing along. as each new song comes on the radio he will say, "mom, it's your turn" or "dad, it's your turn" or "it's my turn" depending on who he wants to sing it. and don't you dare sing along to a song when it's owen's turn.

when he asks you a yes or no question he will end it with "yeah or no?"

even though he screams and cries quite a bit he is still a pretty polite little boy. he almost always says "please", "thank-you", and "you're welcome".

his latest thing is when he is he says something that i don't agree with he will say, "mom, i was just kidding".

the minute kevin walks through the door after work owen is reporting to kevin how our day went, the hows and whys of if he got in trouble, and quoting things i said to him.

he loves to help out with sweeping, putting away groceries, and wiping things off.

when kevin and i are discussing our day at the dinner table owen will copy EVERYTHING we say to each a parrot.

owen serious about his air hockey game against his cousin gabby.


he loves to point at things, especially things he wants, and uses both pointer fingers to do it.

yesterday he walked into the kitchen while i was unloading the dishwasher. pushed the rack back in and shoved the door shut. he was so proud of himself. i think he was telling me that it was time to move on to the next task.

lately he tries to mimic things that we say or do. he has got the shaking your head "no" and shaking your finger "no" mastered. i guess he hears and sees this a lot.

he loves to tease owen by taking things from him. and usually he is pretty successful at it.

he loves to be cuddled and kissed.

he hates being fed by a spoon and insists on finger food only. he's been this way since he started eating solids.

last week we made a trip to pocatello to visit wesley's little girlfriend. aren't they sweet?!
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Jill Chatterley said...

I miss you and your boys! Wes is looking so big and BLOND. I love reading about Owen. I really took a likeing to that little guy.

I'm sorry i missed you on your last visit. But I think Ayden and I are in need of a little shopping and a trip to I.F. We'll be giving you a call.

Elena said...

Oh, sweet memories. Glad you wrote these all down.

Unknown said...

You have the sweetest boys ever! I also love that you post Happy Birthday wishes to all your family, you have many many birthdays to keep track of! You are awesome!

Lisa said...

That is so cute! I love writing things down. You always think you'll remember, but then you don't. And Sara can definitely be Wesley's girlfriend! (at least until they're old enough to have cooties. . . )